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Now we can see and understand the human dilemma what is the solutions?

There is a whole bunch of solutions but all are so distasteful we dont want talk about them or even consider the facts that is making us choose, but are we choosing? or are them choices been chosen for us without our knowledge. First let us list the solutions and focus on them individually with there merits and also there flaws. Now remember i said all was distasteful and if I had to choose for the good humanity I now what I would choose, but thats me and my personal choice. It's not my intension to force feed you with your own choice if you had to make one.


1, Small families.

2, Contraception.

3, Abortion.

4, Pollution.

5, Decease

6, War.

7, Violence.

8, Famine.

I am sure we could think of more if we wish, but lets focus on the few successful runners here.




The most successful mass serial killer to mankind is deceases, even the common cold as historically wiped out millions of people that had not had contact with it before. However HIV and Ebola are on most peoples minds when we talk about viruses, currently Ebola is showing its strength in numbers in west Africa with a doubling effect every four weeks, of figures posted. Viruses are the single most effective depopulation instrument known to mankind. However it is also very difficult to control or contain once it is doubling every four weeks. Ebola and its flew like symptoms here in the uk would spread like wild fire, why? because it takes three days to take effect and most here in the uk would believe they have a bit of the flew and continue with there daily life unaware. Some scientist and conspirasist's believe Ebola and HIV to be a man made virus, I have no comment on that, and speak only on fact, Math or personal experiences. However I'm not stupid enough to believe it came to life as a sexually transmitted decease from green monkeys. So what about a cure, control and containment of Ebola, have we done that? Well no we haven't, already we have cases in USA  UK Spain and many other countries. So ask yourself and not me or others "is it contained and are we safe"? How many deadly viruses have we seen recently? avian flew ebola HIV1 HIV2, I could go on forever here. A little fact to consider about common deceases as an example of how deadly they really are is the first world war? The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 killed more people than the Great War, known today as World War I (WWI), at somewhere between 20 and 40 million people. It has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in recorded world history. More people died of influenza in a single year than in four-years of the Black Death Bubonic Plague from 1347 to 1351. Known as "Spanish Flu" or "La Grippe" the influenza of 1918-1919 was a global disaster.

War graves

War, although not quite as successful killer as viruses and decease is also a serial killer.

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was over 37 million. There were over 16 million deaths and 20 million wounded ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history. The total number of deaths includes about 10 million military personnel and about 7 million civilians.

The total number of both military and civilian during world war 2 was Over 60 million people killed, which was over 2.5% of the world population. These figures would amount to more if you was to include famine and viruses contracted through the hardship. So although war is a much more aggressive way of dealing with depopulation its also expensive and a violent solution. It's a distasteful and violent solution that doesn't work, it also as a reverse effect on the economy and infastruture. Britain and the U.S. have gone to massive debt over every war or conflict and in my opinion only ever benefits the bankers. The Afghanistan and Iraq war was assumed at costing 6 trillion dollars, thats right 6 trillion dollars! With that kind of money we could get rid of our debt or make a huge hole in world famine, build the necessary infrastructures we need or cure cancer!

So would war be a tool of depopulation? NO it wouldn't make a dint in the figures, it might hold them up for a year or two but I doubt it cold ever be the solution even if we was dumb enough to follow this route.

Famine. When we speak about famine we instantly think third world? . Our own education as taught us about the great potatoe famine in Isleland in 1845 that killed over 1 million people, men women and children. Even the U.S as encountered the hardship during there great depression were tens of thousands died of maluntrician. What i find horrafying is still to this day people are dying of maluntrician all over the planet whilst we spend trillions on defence.

Some conspirasists believe that they are spraying our crops today with chemicals to prevent good harvests so that we as a nation would be dependant on genetically modified food which as less nutrient value shortening our lives. There is some recent evidence that they are chemtrailing but that comes later with pollution and our ozone. Famine is not a depopulation tool its a drawn out and agonising death and I could never understand how to this day there is famine or maluntrician on the planet. However ther is and its world wide even in the uk and U.S. Maybe the Catholic Church should spend some of its billions it earns anually to make the difrence instead of its ignorance towards whats really going on. Food and water should not be a privalige to any man woman, child or beast period, its 2014 not the 1800s. A few yers ago I was lucky enough to visit Kenya and was totally shocked at the poverty and hardship that christian people were going through, walking miles for clean water and food before they even start there day. Grrrrr dont get me going on this. If famine or malutrcian is to be a tool of depopulation then not in my name or my familys or any one I know.



Pollution. The number one way to not just to kill the few but to put the whole planet in danger. No one wants to talk seriously about it or to stop it, in fact our carbon footprint grows by the year. The government will blame us and our wants and needs whilst they drag there feet on alternative energy and transport. I once heard a politician blame cows and there methane yea right Bull shit! You screw with the ozone it as no target it effects us all including those responsible and there families. Pollution isn't going to control depopulation because there is no control of it, it will kill the very thing we depend up on the planet! It's already destroying nature our crops our seasons our water supply and every thing else it comes into contact with. Its a poison and responsible for most of our illnesses and our way of life. We dont own this planet we belong to it, we should husband it like a farmer, take care  of it and be fucking responsible and not allow what is going on and debate what as gone on. We have all witnessed the changes in our weather cycles, the floods tornados and even sightings of the ora in places never seen before. We are already paying the costs every winter with floods after floods, is every body blind? Yes its a good depopulation tool if you want to get rid every one. It wont be long before they implement carbon taxes for there own miss doing, what they cant do that? well truth is they are already debating it. Whilst fat cats get rich on inflated energy prices they now also want us to pay for the building of power plants owned by foreign countries to charge us there inflated prices.


Many people think that God's command to "be fruitful and multiply" can be taken too far. It's generally accepted that over-population will seriously damage the earth and the lives of most people on it.

Large increases in population have already damaged the environment and condemned many people in Africa, Asia and Latin America to poverty.

In the latter part of the 20th century, people began to put forward the effect of population control upon the environment as a justification for regulation of fertility, independent of economic concerns.

However, many people would have serious moral objections to plans to use contraception in order to control population.

One objection that isn't covered here is that the real cause of poverty and damage is overconsumption by a few, and that if rich nations stopped consuming far more than their fair share of resources there would be no need for population control to be applied unfairly to poor nations. However our concerns are more local and here in the UK so lets focus on that.


Contraception and family planning, not quite a distasteful as other solutions but still with some issues and problems. The UK is a mixed race nation and for that I personally am grateful, although many would disagree we have benefitted as a nation that is multi cultural, and i for one would like it to stay that way. So if we are going to talk about contraception, then we must also consider other cultures beliefs, religion and way of life. I was at one stage of writing this going to talk mainly on contraception? however when questioning friends doctors and a welfare system I realized the real issues were and still are historic. Let me explain, ( but before I do I should also tell you that there are many points of view and a lot of information to dispute every opinion and possible answers, Im only the post man with an awake mind and it is only my  intention to get you A, aware and B, more active and involved in current issues and debates.)
During the first and second world war the fatalities of our youth was massive, mainly our young men, which I should also point out was our futures economic and financial security. When the wars were over more then 2 1/2% of our working class and families bread winners were lost, in an era were as the man worked and women stayed at home to bring there children up. If some thing wasn't done to fill this gap our pensions welfare system and a growing NHS would be in danger. The government at that time promoted bigger families, so how did they do that?  This was done by the introduction of the Family Code. It then became an independent component of public policy in the years following the Second World War. From the beginning of the twentieth century, employers had added specific allowances to salaries in the aim of improving their workers' family life. At the same time, several laws were introduced to protect mothers and children. Motherhood was considered worthy of attention from the state for demographic reasons: that is, to increase the population mainly for military purposes and to fill the later void in the economy. Maternity leave was introduced as was child benefits which still we benefit from today, or do we? As you can see now, it was a necessary political move to keep our country safe and also our economy a float in later years. our welfare system to this day still promotes big families, in fact the more kids you have if unemployed the better off you are, some even say they dont work because they would loose money? We already know now that our small Island is doomed with such a growth rate putting pressures on our infrastructure economy and also public services.
How can we change some thing that as become a dependent way of life? We know contraception does work to a point but leaves  problems in a mixed cultural society, so all though it is part of a solution it can not possibly be counted on as the only solution. If the country were to take depopulation seriously it must first cap a welfare system and limit the amount of welfare available to larger families. This in turn would help women back into work with state run nurseries and get families back to work. Family planning should be a compulsory issue when claiming welfare and benefits: paid not on the size of families, and tax breaks to families who have 2 or less kids. For some cultures it is not there way to have the women work? However it is the opinion of some that first you must respect our way of life and our countries problem with population growth, also our language, education system, and family planning if you are going to benefit from our welfare system and  Public services like NHS and others. There fore the only way forward to save a small Island from a doomed population growth is A, Hard and strict family planning. B, Free state run nurseries and give mothers the chance of getting back to work. C, Promote small families with tax benefits on two children or less. D, Cap  the welfare system to a maximum of two children or less.Please remember that this is not an opinion, I’m just offering you a handful of solutions to a population growth rate that is not just climbing but soaring at  an uncontrollable rate. I’m sure there are many more solutions, however as i repeatably have said and stated, it is not my intension to teach, preach or force this on any one. Quite the other really, it’s my hope that more people will be aware of the issues we are not really be informed on, and for you! to make your own opinion and decisions on what you will do with the information if any thing.


"so if you have a choice what would you choose as a solution?"

Foot note: If I receive any racism remarks I will delete with out reading! This is 2014 and I have no patience for racism of any kind or form.    Jim

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