Jim's, friends, family and social media politically awareness site
Some things to really bitch about over a Beer.
So what is a straw man and maritime law?
A straw man is your dopleganger a replica of you in the form of a Birthcetificate. Its registered off shore in commerce enabling the government to charge you taxes. Dont worry it does have some benefits like the NHS, education, welfare, the police force and fire service. If you feel that your not interested in the benefits and dont wish to have a straw man or doppelganger of yourself its fine too. You have seven years from issue of your berth certificate to deny it and live life as a freeman of the land. "o' wait I dont understand whats a freeman a straw man and a layman? its all very complicated."
A freeman is you skin blood and bones, A straw man is your dopleganger that is registered in commerce. A layman is a representative of a free man much like a lawyer, simples. "So what is the governments benefit of this."
Well once registered with birth certificate they can A, charge you income tax, B, charge you council tax, and C, they can calculate how much taxes you will pay over your life time and create a bond which they can borrow money with. D, The straw man as also a whole set of laws they must abide by unlike the freeman who as very few.
"I can not believe that a freeman is void of taxes and the law?"
A free man does abide by the law, but not maritime law which is magistrates courts and council. They have no durastriction’s on a free man, maritime law refers to comerse and paying bills fines and taxes, The judge as no oath and no legal rights over a Freeman. Why? because a freeman is only accountable to the law of the land. Seems strange to you? well its been this way since the 1600s its just that we was never informed until data and the internet.
The two videos above demonstrates a freeman and a layman in magestrates court with there strawman on trial. Its in two parts, why not watch to see a layman in charge and a confused judge and council.
My personal choice was not to be a freeman, it takes rich man to live without the benefit of a state run services like NHS, education, welfare and other entitlements. So before burning your birth certificate and not paying your bills you should be aware that it takes a secure man and family financially to be a free man in a modern world....
Quick 5 minute recap.
Chat about this in the pub, and every one will be ear wigging and catching flies. However like I said before, why gather information if your not going to do some thing with it? even if it is just to make a friend more aware, its one step further to telling the nation and letting the Government know , "we are not asleep or stupid." If you find this information new ( even though it was introduced in 1666!!! and disturbing you might find some relief with the cream below.....